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VH Baseball

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Dodgers hang on against the Mets 6-5

5/18/2010  4:01:44 PM

what a game on Monday night....some video will be up soon on the great night..

Congrats to Coach Dazzio and the Dodgers..Champs for 2010. 

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Post your prediction The Finals Mets vs Dodgers

5/15/2010  8:46:55 PM

OK, winner of exact score gets T Shirt from Vestavia

Post your prediction with name!   Score, who wins ..exact score gets it!

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Final Four Set-Knights vs Dodgers and Mets vs Tigers

5/11/2010  11:38:00 PM

 Saturday, the Final Four will play it out to see who goes to the Championship game on Monday night.

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87 games later, we finally get a SHUTOUT

5/11/2010  7:04:05 AM

For the first time (after 87 games) all year, we finally get a SHUTOUT. 

Mets do it with fine defense and great pitching.

Eston Hall and Jake Tamburello pitch only 91 pitches and shutout the Athletics in the 2nd Round.

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Tigers and Mets (both lower seeds) advance

5/10/2010  9:56:16 PM

to the Final Four...Tuesday will finish up the Final Four ... 

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Brackets after Round 1

5/8/2010  10:56:20 PM

 After Saturday, here is the lastest brackets...


A few notes,..Sean Smyth goes yard..Ben Tuggle goes yard..

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Brackets are Official

5/7/2010  7:13:31 AM

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Unofficial Brackets..Hamp looks confused

5/4/2010  10:28:18 AM

Lets see if this is the real far, no confirmation but VestaviaVillage was on the scene with  hidden cameras and this is the talk as of right now. 

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American 9s Blue Crew

5/3/2010  11:11:31 PM

1 Pete Dazzio 

2 Christian Dinga 

3 Frankie Donze 

4 Wells Dutton 

5 Cooper Evans 

6 Carter Gill 

7 Ryan Lockhart 

8 Ben Murphree 

9 Nathan Myers 

10 Jake Tamburello

11.Thomas Von Eschenbach

12. Will Von Eschenbach
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American 9s White

5/3/2010  11:08:35 PM


Coach Casey Campbell



Duncan Jones

Sam Herndon

Grant Cacace

Will Steele

Douglas Thompson

Jack Dey

Connor Dobbins

Jacob Williams

Jake Haston

Samuel Campbell

Jake Fowler

Charlie Stoves


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American 9s Vestavia Red Machine

5/3/2010  11:08:00 PM

 American 9s Vestavia Red Machine

Coach Billy Fisher

 >>read more>>

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5/3/2010  7:31:20 AM



Coach-Danny Brooks

R.J. Brooks

Sean Smyth

Jackson Smith

Jonathon Hand

Garrison Cherry

Luke Couch 

Austin Coggin

Cameron Monistere

Eston Hall

Eric Schroeder

Hinton Livings

Riley Akins

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5/2/2010  7:34:41 AM

Selection of All Stars on Sunday in the afternoon.   Live Streaming Footage of this event would bring millions....ESPN 2 will be outside the hallway.  

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Games are on for Sunday makeup

4/25/2010  11:28:04 AM

BULLS METS upper field (Wald Park 2 ) at 7:30


Knights / Yankees resume in the first inning at Exchange at 1:30

all others in order follows this game 

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Games Cancelled for Saturday

4/24/2010  8:01:10 AM

New times will be handed out hopefully soon 

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Friday night try gets one game in before Lightning stops play

4/23/2010  8:21:32 PM

 White Sox beat the Brewers in a classic...Also, the Gizzards beat the Chop Livers in wiffle ball behind first base 45-44.  Christian Dinga striking out Luke Couch with bases loaded was the big finale.  Sam Herndon hit 12 homeruns with Dinga hitting 12 himself ...The game on the field was a good one but the game behind the dugout are becoming fierce.

Monostere ...  >>read more>>

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2 games moved to Friday from Sat schedule

4/23/2010  2:45:32 AM

 We have moved a couple of Saturday's games to Friday night.

5:30  White Sox @ Brewers
7:30  Yankees @ Knights
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Hot News....Diamond Backs making switch

4/16/2010  2:17:35 PM

TMZ has found out that Diamond Backs are making a switch at the catcher position (possibly).  Novellino is taking over.  Rumors have it they are looking for a used left handed catching glove that is broken in--this has to do with an immediate switch.  Cort Cooper and Cameron Monistere  were called for their comments and no comments were given on the move.  Looks like ...  >>read more>>

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How about them Apples ?

4/15/2010  9:39:09 PM

8 out of 13  teams in our league has 2 losses...nobody has less than 2 losses...Wow....

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BULLS lose 1 Spot in less than a week!

4/15/2010  9:12:48 PM

Dbacks shut down the Bulls and limited the Durham team to only a few hits.  Cort Cooper and Shroeder took it to the Number 1 team on a beautiful Thursday Night. 

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Another News alert regarding Coach Gill

4/13/2010  10:09:02 PM

Coach Gill told his team to run off the field with only two outs.  A run scores with the White Sox heading to the dugout.   It was interesting to see.  

Reuters, CNN, Fox News, and Jay Leno are reporting on this.. 

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Coach Gill ALERT....

4/8/2010  10:48:56 PM


Coach Gill was attempting to catch up his son Carter Gill (They  were at their secret Bat Cave where they practice without telling anyone) and while Coach Gill was catching (and using a mannequin as a fake batter--borrowed from Belk), a ball nipped the mannequins elbow and made the ball deflect into Coach GIlls eye..and blood was present...had to go to the Doctor..he is ...  >>read more>>

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Regular Season is in full swing

4/4/2010  8:50:11 PM

Click the age group to get all the information for 7s and 9s of Vestavia Youth League 

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Brewers make the most news in Week 2 and they did not play?

4/4/2010  7:10:43 AM

Weekend 2 of our season is complete and although we had delays, the games were played and another great week of baseball is in the books.  Season is turning into a competitive one with only one team left undefeated and so many around the .500 mark.  Anybodys game anytime.   Biggest alert was Coach Fisher putting out a challenge to his team..He wins half the games, he shaves his ...  >>read more>>

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4/2/2010  11:44:35 AM

What was going around the league as a wise coaching move by Coach Dazzio (walking two batters and loading the bases) -which turned out to be a game saver was lets say a JOINT decision.....All the applause, high fives and the hugs that Coach Dazzio was given after the game needs to be sent to the one as well who advised Coach Dazzio the idea...  The call came from Assitant Joe McLean. ...  >>read more>>

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Week 1 (Opening Week) is complete and....

3/29/2010  12:29:19 PM

Week 1 left us with only 2 remaining  undefeated teams.   Talk about balance!   Got early games only during the week due to testing and looks like some good matches.

There is a new poll up in the 9 year old Baseball page...who hits it out first...and i think many will this your vote!


OTM Trophy will have trophies and plaques this year ...  >>read more>>

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Opening Tuesday

3/23/2010  9:32:11 PM

 the Diamondbacks pitched very well and handled the White Sox in Game 1 of the season...Great crowds were out to witness the Opening Games of 2010.


In the Nightcap, Dodgers handled the Bulls using pitching, hitting and defense....The Bulls have a break this Saturday (they have a bye week) and this is a good time for them to regroup...


Dodgers ...  >>read more>>

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Mondays Rain Outs move to Wednesday...

3/23/2010  2:30:49 PM

Baseball Starts today!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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Question..What is the call...

3/8/2010  11:11:18 PM

Ok.. what is the call..

Runner on first and second and both runners takes off full speed and batter pops it up (real high)..the Ump calls an Infield Fly Rule ..with both runners running past both bases and heading to 3rd and home they hear the call...

It is dead ball and they automatically get their first and second bases back or the batter is out and the runners ...  >>read more>>

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Opening Day went perfect..Sunny and 60s

3/7/2010  9:01:44 AM

Could not have asked for a better day for the games to begin this past Saturday.  We have a bundle of talent and many close games.  Going to be a great year and such a huge step for the kids moving from machine pitch to kid pitch/stealing and etc.    Kids showed they can handle this with ease.   Fantastic opening day pitching, hitting and fielding..

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7s ANNOUNCED Vestavia Village is coming again! this year

3/4/2010  10:12:29 AM

Well 7s, Vestavia Village has signed your league up for one more year.  As long as you make it an interesting one, Vestavia Village will be on the scene. age group was great last year and the Village will be there once again due to your competitive spirit. 

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Scouting Reports...Pulls Monistere team to the top

2/22/2010  6:12:10 PM

 Diamondbacks move to the front.  After a few practices and scouting reports, Coach Monistere "the new coach on the block" moves to the one spot.   6 deep in pitching, three deep in catching, everyone can catch and you have a deep team...

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Schedule UP for the 9s in Baseball

2/22/2010  10:54:24 AM

Note, the first two games are Exhibition...... 

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Got any bats for sale? what size? please post with contact info

2/19/2010  11:59:45 AM

if anyone has bats that are getting too small and laying around in the garage, please speak up and leave posts here with what you have..many would love the opportunity to buy some of the bats you might have (I am sure there are hundreds not being used)... 

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RUMOR MILL--on this season

2/16/2010  9:01:46 PM

Schedules could be out this week....Talk is possible that we have a few exhibition games and play 12 regular season games (official ones ) starting after Spring Break.  This would give every team a few games to get a feel of pitching, stealing and a bit more REAL Baseball.......Rumors..and not official..

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Hidden Facilities For Gills team...we will find out..

2/16/2010  8:46:26 PM

  Coach Gill has new indoor facility at an undisclosed location.  Team meets in a private bus and is blindfolded to the BAT CAVE....we will find this location out soon..Tuesday they met and the whole team had 2 hours of practice time....It must be nice because (I am serious)...Coach Gill has to vacuum after practice...this is coming from a major source...The vacuum Coach Gill ...  >>read more>>

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#1 Ranked team heading into the Season changes name

2/15/2010  1:43:24 PM

Moves to the Knights...River Bandits have changed their name.....Interesting Strategy by Coach Brooks using the name of Robert Redfords movie the NATURAL

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White Sox meet at private location discussing baseball year

2/15/2010  11:25:04 AM

Vestavia Village caught up with the White Sox in a secret meeting on their year.  As you can see, Coach GIll was amazed at Coach Cherry's request to pitch his son every game and to use him as clean up hitter.   We will see how this plays out and Coach Gill is under a lot of pressure if he should listen to the recommendations.    

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Exhibitions games are two weekends from now.

2/8/2010  7:14:52 PM

Let the games begin 

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Brooks announced the River Bandits

2/8/2010  7:11:30 PM

and boy was that a shocker.  Since it was private in a sealed envelope, Coach Evans thought he had the name but had to change.   A little  rivalry seems to be starting between these two and taking a team name from Coach Evans is not going to please him...He wants a RIVER name so Evans moves from the River Bandits to the Rivercats...

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News Bulletin---Coach Brooks has announced....

2/5/2010  12:09:24 PM

Coach Brooks has announced a secret meeting on Saturday to release his team name for this year.  No rumors yet on what it could be but it is not being released until the team meets in Private.  If anyone can find out where they are meeting for this announcement, please let us know and we will try to get film there.  If you have heard of any rumors of the team name, please let ...  >>read more>>

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Teams Players go public on Thursday 5 pm

2/3/2010  4:34:10 AM

Team Names will be posted very soon (see Team Pages)...Drafting too 3 hours this year.  Not that bad!

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Draft Tuesday Night at 7 pm.

2/1/2010  9:30:53 PM

There has been discussions of a pay -per -view for the draft.  This year, we are unable to get the deals worked out  between Vestavia Village and VHYB....hopefully next year, we will live stream.

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Coaches Meeting 1/31 (Sunday)..let the games begin

1/31/2010  10:30:07 AM

Today, (Sunday), the Draft schedules, order of Coaches picks and times of the Draft are completed.  We will try to have video in the room, discussions and interviews on this. At least we will try. 

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Baseballl Season Sign ups are complete

1/25/2010  12:59:22 PM

The baseball board is assembling the Coaches for this year and we should know by Wednesday who the coaches, amount of teams and more info for this coming year (9s)....  Rumors are we are having a good turnout.   There will be a few new Coaches this year due to 4 past Coaches resigning...More details soon. 

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Great Trophies for Great Players..Call OTM Creations for the best trophies!

TEAM RENTALS BASEBALL INSTRUCTION SPEED AND AGILITY TRAINING Team Rental Facility and Baseball Instruction Ask us about Speed and Agility Classes for ages 7 and up.