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Vestavia Sports Headlines

Fisher advances in the Playoffs
5/16/2013  8:07:38 AM

 Coach Fishers team played an impressive game against the mighty Dodgers.  The Dodgers rallied back in the last inning, but Fisher came on the mound and shut them down.  Final score 13-11.  The team was quite excited about moving on in the playoffs.  Next up is Fisher vs Prater tonight at 7:30.

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bracket update---rain, rain, stay away!
5/11/2013  12:32:03 PM
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Brackets set for Tournament
5/7/2013  11:50:56 AM

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Kid report: Fisher vs Cacace
4/15/2013  9:31:36 PM

Ben Barrentine reporting:

Last night our team ( Fisher ) beat Cacace 12-2 we mercy ruled them. Thomas Anderson pitched an amazing game,( he pitched  the whole game) our team was hitting the ball really good last night. John Womack caught the fly ball that ended the game. 

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Kid Report: Dirty Birds vs Bench Warmers
4/15/2013  4:59:44 PM

  Hollis Macoy Reporting:

The Birds got off to a hot start in the 1st inning, scoring 3 runs and allowing none. They held the Benchwarmers to 1 run through 3 innings, but then, the Benchwarmers got hot. In the 4th inning, they scored 7 runs. Almost every player on their team got a hit in that inning. No one scored in the fifth.

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