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Vestavia Sports Headlines

Hoosiers, Spurs, Hawks still undefeated..
12/15/2011  9:36:37 PM

Hoosiers overtake Hawks Defensive Average of giving up the least amount of points so far.  Something Mareks teams wants...Spurs take over highest points per game over the Mavericks who had this mark last week.  

Looks like a great Saturday of matchups for 5th grade Rec ball..



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Barrentine confused with Coach Mareks Defense
12/14/2011  9:23:44 AM

In action, the Mavericks Coach Barrentine asking his team what they should do with the playmaking Hawks Defense?  

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"Like" us on Facebook (Vestavia Village) and get scores updates real time
12/10/2011  5:30:42 PM

on your phone, email and facebook.

SImply like us at Village on Facebook

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One week into the season..SCORING LEADER and PLAYER OF THE WEEK
12/8/2011  9:40:24 PM

Gray Mandabach...


Gray Mandabach by far is the player of the week.  Scoring 23 pts the first game and throwing up another 8 in the second game of the week...He is now becoming a fan favorite and the cool goggle look is  becoming a fashion statement among many other basketball players...Gray is turning the goggles into a hot Christmas gift for the Rec players.The Sharp Shooting Gray ..Rumors are flying that the Goggles have a scope in the lens giving the shot and clearer aim...shooting over 50 percent from the field, many wonder how he is doing it.. ..HE was good last year but he is now one of the ELITE in the game ...Autographs after game only please (he has requested)..


Gray Mandabach>>CONGRATS showing Vestavia Rec league how to put the ball in the bucket...

Great job..(Player on Barrentines / Mavericks team)

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Village Predictions at 9-0
12/7/2011  11:15:20 PM

So far, Village has predicted every game correctly.  First upset coming this week.

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