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Vestavia Sports Headlines

Picture Day this Saturday
4/5/2012  11:05:58 PM

Please don't forget about picture day this Saturday, April 7 at Wald Park . Your team mom or coach should distribute order envelopes prior to picture day.  For your convenience, we will be shipping your order straight to your home.  Please make sure your order form in filled out completely. Package: Team, 1 5x7 , 4 wallets.


**IF you want to order some action photos- contact Allyson McLean-



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Braves Win!
3/31/2012  6:17:47 PM

 After struggling for the first few games, the Braves are getting it together and won over the Dodgers today!  Watch out, the Braves are moving up!!

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Yankee's Lose
3/31/2012  4:34:23 PM

 The Yankee's take a fall today against the newcomer Bishop's, Phillies.  Vestavia Village is waiting on scout reports to come in to see what happened.  Congrats to Phillies for a game well played!

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Yankee aHEAD of the rest!
3/13/2012  10:09:03 PM

 The Yankees now stand alone as the only undefeated team.  The Cardinals could not get their bats swinging or pitches striking fast enough to get the WIN tonight against the Yankees.  Yankees pitching was amazing & they got up 9 points in 2 innings on the Cards.  Aggressive base running and few errors eased the Yankees in to a win.  The Cardinals were beginning to rally the last few innings, but it was too late.  

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There will only be one team left undefeated after tonight!
3/13/2012  4:14:48 PM

 After only 2 days of baseball, there are only 2 teams left undefeated and they play each other tonight at 7:30.  The Yankees vs The Cardinals.  This is going to be an exciting season.  Who can bring the win tonight??

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