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Standings - 08-09 VHYB Basketball - 1st 2nd Grade VHYBaskets

Team Record PCT Streak Off Pts Def Pts Off Pts Avg Def Pts Avg Pts Diff
Celtics 11-0 1.000 W11 238 110 22 10 12
Suns 9-2 0.818 L1 226 164 21 15 6
Cavaliers 8-2 0.800 L1 185 141 18 14 4
The LA Lakers 9-3 0.750 L1 197 155 16 13 3
Spurs 8-3 0.727 L1 206 126 19 11 8
Pistons 7-3 0.700 L1 151 138 15 14 1
Mavericks 5-4 0.556 L4 152 141 17 16 1
Warriors 4-6 0.400 L1 142 147 14 15 -1
Pacers 4-6 0.400 L1 142 161 14 16 -2
Sixers 3-6 0.333 L6 89 120 10 13 -3
Hornets 2-7 0.222 L1 147 199 16 22 -6
Nuggets 1-8 0.111 L6 92 144 10 16 -6
Bulls 1-8 0.111 L3 99 152 11 17 -6
Heat 1-8 0.111 L3 76 156 8 17 -9
Sonics 1-8 0.111 L4 89 177 10 20 -10


Team Record PCT Streak Off Pts Def Pts Off Pts Avg Def Pts Avg O rank
Celtics 11-0 1.000 W11 238 110 22 10 1
Suns 9-2 0.818 L1 226 164 21 15 2
Spurs 8-3 0.727 L1 206 126 19 11 3
Cavaliers 8-2 0.800 L1 185 141 18 14 4
Mavericks 5-4 0.556 L4 152 141 17 16 5
The LA Lakers 9-3 0.750 L1 197 155 16 13 6
Hornets 2-7 0.222 L1 147 199 16 22 6
Pistons 7-3 0.700 L1 151 138 15 14 7
Warriors 4-6 0.400 L1 142 147 14 15 8
Pacers 4-6 0.400 L1 142 161 14 16 8
Bulls 1-8 0.111 L3 99 152 11 17 9
Sixers 3-6 0.333 L6 89 120 10 13 10
Nuggets 1-8 0.111 L6 92 144 10 16 10
Sonics 1-8 0.111 L4 89 177 10 20 10
Heat 1-8 0.111 L3 76 156 8 17 11

Team Record PCT Streak Off Pts Def Pts Off Pts Avg Def Pts Avg D rank
Celtics 11-0 1.000 W11 238 110 22 10 1
Spurs 8-3 0.727 L1 206 126 19 11 2
The LA Lakers 9-3 0.750 L1 197 155 16 13 3
Sixers 3-6 0.333 L6 89 120 10 13 3
Cavaliers 8-2 0.800 L1 185 141 18 14 4
Pistons 7-3 0.700 L1 151 138 15 14 4
Suns 9-2 0.818 L1 226 164 21 15 5
Warriors 4-6 0.400 L1 142 147 14 15 5
Mavericks 5-4 0.556 L4 152 141 17 16 6
Pacers 4-6 0.400 L1 142 161 14 16 6
Nuggets 1-8 0.111 L6 92 144 10 16 6
Bulls 1-8 0.111 L3 99 152 11 17 7
Heat 1-8 0.111 L3 76 156 8 17 7
Sonics 1-8 0.111 L4 89 177 10 20 8
Hornets 2-7 0.222 L1 147 199 16 22 9


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