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OTM Vestavia Football

Click here for scores, schedules and standings for 5th Grade

OTM Football Evaluations tonight  

Hoover East Fields 6 pm to 8 pm.

5th Grade teams (all three) make the playoffs

10/18/2011  4:06:54 PM

last games of regular season go tonight..

Brackets up after tonight! 

Playoffs begin next Tuesday

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Vestavia Titans take down Colts ..

9/29/2011  9:19:06 PM

It was another Vestavia Hoover battle.  This was coming from Coach Looneys Titans against the Hoover team of RIck Burgess.......Reports are coming in stating the TItans held them 4 downs on the goal line along with a big Interception by James Hancock....Win takes the Titans to 2-2 and this could be the beginning for the Titans to win out ....

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Football teams selected

7/15/2011  3:30:26 PM

Vestavia Village will have standings, rankings and video..coming soon...

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Evaluations 6/14/11 At Hoover East Fields 6-8 pm

6/14/2011  11:53:32 AM

All players remember, Tuesday is the last day of Evaluations ..please make you come by Hoover East fields between 6 pm and 8 pm

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Great Trophies for Great Players..Call OTM Creations for the best trophies!

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